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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

After U. S. Supreme Court's smackdown, Bush changes mind and visits Geneva.

After the U. S. Supreme Court handed President Bush a smackdown, by denying his request to find that his executive privilege allowed him to bypass Congress and set up military tribunals to try Gitmo detainees in secrecy, the President has now discovered Geneva -- yep, the Geneva Conventions.
Read the story here.

I commend President Bush for taking the actions he has taken in this regard, though it took the Supreme Court's "poke in the eye" to get his attention. It is hoped that the President will also reach out to Congress to get authorization to set up these tribunals, as he should have done in the first place, since the Presidency is NOT a Monarchy.

Clearly to me, Congress is the MORE representative of the people than is the President, and the President's gitmo detention and trials actions SHOULD emanate from the people themselves, through their duly elected representatives in Congress.

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