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Friday, October 20, 2006

Bush admits Iraq's "Tet" offensive.

What was President Bush thinking when he admitted to a reporter's comparison of the Iraqi resistant movement to the Viet Cong "Tet" offensive of the Vietnam era? Read it here. As many of you know, the "Tet" offensive was the turning point of the Vietnam war as public opinion swung against the war forcing President Johnson to end it. So why was Bush acquiesing to Vietnam comparisms to Iraq? Did the takeover of the Iraqi city of Amarah by Shiites militants run by anti-American cleric Muqtada al-Sadr have anything to do with Bush's "Tet" moment? Or was Bush "reading the tea leaves" and acknowledging that public opinion has, or will soon turn, against the Iraqi war? And is the President's new "Tet" acknowledgment a Johnson moment expected to lead to some end of Iraqi hostilities? Too many questions, but only the President can provide answers to his "Tet" moment.

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