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Thursday, June 28, 2007

Senator Mitch McConnell displays STATESMANSHIP, his re-election is pretty much guaranteed.

Hooray for our Kentucky U. S. Senators, Mitch McConnell and Jim Bunning, for standing up for "We, the people" and standing up to the special interests, who wanted to BULLY us and sell our country with their GOD AWFUL immigration AMNESTY bill. The two of them displayed STATESMANSHIP, especially Senator Mitch McConnell, who as Senate Republican Leader, voted against his President on this issue. I can imagine that this was a HARD vote for the Distinguished Senator, which then makes his MAGNAMITY that more ADMIRABLE, and his re-election pretty much guaranteed as his opponents have lost a BIG issue they could have used against him.

Thanks, Senators.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is easy to vote NO when the bill is getting bad despite your best efforts to get it passed. When he was beat and could no longer defend Bush's position, he joined them by voting no

12:55 AM  
Blogger KYJurisDoctor said...

Maybe, but it took guts to defy Bush!

1:32 AM  

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