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Saturday, July 28, 2007

Bob Dole to abandon John McCain for Fred Thompson.

Former Kansas Senator and GOP presidential candidate, Bob Dole, is sending STRONG signals that his support for John McCain will now go to Fred Thompson because "it's just not happening [for my good friend, John McCain and] the buzz is gone."

Even McCain's Alabama state Chairman, the state's Atty. Gen. Troy King, is reported by Bob Novak to have attended a private fund-raiser for Thompson in Mountain Brook, Ala., last Monday night.

Now where have I heard that before, about a top staffer for a candidate attending a rival candidate's fund raiser? Hmmmm ... yes, it was the campaign manager for Jody Richards'/John Y Brown's campaign, Larry Townsend, who attended fund raiser for Bruce Lunsford.

Anyway, if John McCain had stayed true to his Maverick persona and "straight talking" style, this conversation from Bob Dole would have had a happier and more optimistic tone.

But that's the way it goes when politicians display a lack of enduring principles and try to live FALSE to their natures or be EVERYTHING to EVERYONE!

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