Web Osi Speaks!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Beshear Said to be Ready to Offer Senator Buford Job

Frankfort is abuzz with rumors that KY Senator Tom Buford has been offered and is likely to take a high level post in a Steve Beshear administration. A well paid post in Frankfort would boost Buford’s state retirement significantly. Buford’s retirement would give Senate Dems an opportunity to close the gap prior to next year’s election where Dems are expected to make an all out effort to regain the Senate.

If Buford steps down Dems like Tony Wilder, the County Judge Executive of Boyle County, and Joe Walker, the former Sheriff of Jessamine County, are two who could mount a strong bid. Walker filed to run against Buford in 2006 but unexpectedly dropped out leaving Dems without a challenger and local insiders scratching their heads in wonderment. Naturally, there’s been plenty of speculation of a quid pro quo where Buford would step down following this term.

On the Republican side the strongest potential candidate for an open seat would appear to be State Rep. Lonnie Napier. Lonnie’s protégé John Wilson, CJE of Garrard County, would be another, however, Wilson has a young family and may be leery of leaving a comfortable spot in Garrard County for a part time job with the KY Senate. Might Brian Goettl take a look at this if it were to come to fruition? Goettl was elected to the post of County Attorney in Jessamine County in 2002, the first Republican to do so in over a century. It would be interesting to see how a fellow web media entrepreneur fares in this sort of race. If he ran, I expect Goettl’s web postings would be heavily scrutinized. Whether conservative posts would hurt him in conservative central Kentucky counties is anyone’s guess. Goettl would also be in the same boat as Wilson, having a secure full time job in Jessamine.

Lots of speculation here, admittedly, but that’s what bloggers do. One local pol I spoke to indicated he’d heard from reliable sources that the Herald Leader has been working on this story since last week.

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