Web Osi Speaks!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Osi, I am in your house and must show you respect. But I disagree.

As you know I am a champion of your life story and your dedication to liberty. Though we were born in different places, raised by different fathers and shaped by different experiences, my passion for truth, justice and liberty is in harmony with you.

You have invited me into your house as a contributor to this project. I certainly mean no disrespect. But when you said that you read the Herald-Leader poll as the "legitimate one" I felt compelled to speak out.

I have not polled all registered voters. They have not either.

I have not determined who will in fact vote on November 6th. They have not either.

I cannot tell you how those registered voters who will vote on November 6th will vote. They cannot either.

It is one thing to have doubts, it is another thing to have faith.

I have sensed your opposition to Governor Fletcher by the tone and tact of some of your postings. I would appreciate hearing your thoughtful, and respectful reasons for your position.

Though I have more than blog space allows, I thank you for allowing me to have this space to put forth some of the reasons why I support Governor Fletcher. For now, for you and any of your readers who would like to read some of my reasons I encourage you to go to my blog

My best to you and your family.


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