Web Osi Speaks!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

The award for the most effective political ad campaign for the year goes to: The Bluegrass Freedom Fund.

A vast majority of what we do on this blog is political -- in the sense that we post and comment on articles concerning politics. It is only fitting then that we have an award for political advertising. (Though not announced yet, one can guess -- CORRECTLY, I'm sure -- that our Persons for the year will, probably and most likely, come from the world of politics).

This is the first time this blog will be giving an award for the most effective political campaign (more in the form of political ad campaign) -- kinda like the "Swift Boat"ing of John Kerry in 2003; and, our award goes to none other than the Bluegrass Freedom Fund for its "Swift Boating" of Ernie Fletcher's campaign.

As many of you are aware, no matter what Ernie Fletcher tried to do and what ad he ran in order to salvage his campaign, the Bluegrass Freedom Fund released a counter DEVASTATING and EFFECTIVE ad. (Watch the "issue" ads). The effectiveness and devastation, of course, happened because Fletcher fed the group the "gun" and "ammunition" that was used against him.

For its efforts, the Bluegrass Freedom Fund wins our first EVER award for effectiveness in political advertising.

The award for the most ineffective ad campaign goes to: Republican gubernatorial candidate, Billy Harper.

Where did the $6,206,645.98 he spent on the campaign go, and can ANYONE even remember one of those forgetful ads?



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