Friday, January 25, 2008
Previous Posts
- Person for the week: Fred Thompson.
- Is this the beginning of the end of bi-partisanshi...
- Texting the mayor.
- Bob Heleringer makes state senate run official.
- The NYT Kiss Of Death For McCain!
- The New York Times endorses John McCain ... and Hi...
- Like Santa Claus in January, Congress set to hand ...
- Dennis Kucinich, long ignored by ALL, exits presid...
- General Norman Schwarzkopf Endorses John McCain Fo...
Here is one Fredhead that won't endorse the Democrats' favorite Republican!
In the end, would you vote for a Democrat then?
AND our choices that were dictated to us by blue states voting long before are now WHAT???
How the Republican Party Committed National Suicide By JB Williams
Who Hijacked the Primaries? by Brett Winterble
The Death of Conservatism? 43 Mistakes and the GOP's Dobson's Choice
On January 25th Mel Martinez endorsed Juan which is not only old news but, nothing to be bragging about the day after illegal aliens protest for rights they don't have in the streets of America whiloe they soak us to the tune of $340 Billion per year to say nothing of the destruction of our sovereignty.
Mel campaigned for his senate seat on strictly enforcing the border. However, once in office he pulled a complete 180 degree open border and amnesty turn;
"We are nation of immigrants. The hard work and contributions of millions of legal immigrants are an important part of our America's history. Our immigration policy, however, must first and foremost ensure the security of our great nation and its citizens. Especially during these treacherous times, our focus must be on preventing those who would harm us from entering our country and in providing the resources our border agents need in order to accomplish this. I oppose amnesty for illegal aliens. I support a plan that matches workers with needy employers without providing a path to citizenship. Immigration to this country must always be done through legal means." - Mel Martinez 2004 campaign promise
AND THEN Mel signed Juan's Shamnesty bill which was drawn up illegally behind closed doors and illegally bypassed debate on the floor twice for a vote.
If you're trying to win friends and influence conservatives, you're off to a pitiful start.
HO! I forgot to add something pretty dar critical to the story.
The reason Mel baby was asked to step down as the RNC chair is for the same amnesty reasons;
Martinez resigns as general chairman of the RNC
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