Web Osi Speaks!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Kentucky Legislative happenings: Bills of interest.

A new bill, House Bill 775, filed by Rep. Tim Couch, R-Hyden, intends "to establish definitions relating to Internet Web sites, blogs, or message boards; require registration prior to posting information to these interactive services; identify persons, businesses, or entities that post information to these interactive services; establish penalty provisions."
Comment: The bill intends to ban anonymous blog postings. Though the bill appears to be PATENTLY unconstitutional, its concern of "abusive" postings is one I share. That is why I require some kind of registration before anyone posts bog comments. Now that we have OpenId, the process is relatively easy and protects the blog owner, legally.

House Bill 616, would "amend KRS 160.350 to permit a superintendent of schools to establish residency either in Kentucky or within 50 miles of the district's boundaries."
Comment: I do NOT know who this bill is supposed to benefit, but it's probably not the school district.

House Bill 757, "require each candidate for Governor in the regular election to designate a running mate as a candidate for Lieutenant Governor, rather than participating in the primary as part of a slate of candidates;"
Comment: I can't say this is a bad bill at all.

House Bill 760, "Amend KRS 119.205 to require candidates who hire transporters of voters to provide a written list with the names and addresses of those transporting voters to the polls to the Registry of Elections Finance; require transporters of voters to register with the candidate and to provide a list with the names and addresses of all persons and voters transported to the polls on the day of the election."
Comment: Any action we take to prevent voter fraud is a WELCOME move!

House Bill 769, "to require the creation of a searchable Web site allowing the public to search and aggregate the expenditures of state funds. The bill specifies any state government expenditure in excess of $100,000."
Comment: I think the amount should be far less than $100,000.00 -- more like $10,000.00.



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