Web Osi Speaks!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Obama will give major speech tomorrow on race, religion and Rev. Wright.

Everyone who has been following his pastor's speeches needs to hear from Obama. Hopefully, the speech will allay people's fears rather than agitate them!

Tune in. If you can't, I'll be blogging it, so come back for details.

Meanwhile, you can tell us what you'll like to hear from Obama.

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Blogger Unknown said...

As usual the charismatic Senator Obama delivered a moving and eloquent speech that attempts to put to rest concerns regarding the influence of the divisive and racist Rev. Jeremiah Wright on the Senator. Many Americans truly want to believe that Obama is a symbol of hope and change for all Americans but I must admit that as a white,middle class American I am uncertain of Obama's true intentions and the rhetoric of his pastor scares me to death.

I belive that the Senator,as a man with political ambitions and a desire to serve all Americans, should have walked out of Wright's inflammatory sermons and changed churches rather than staying a member for 20 years and thereby,by omission, giving credence to the venomous and divisive utterances of of this man!

I now have even more concerns about the Senator'experience,judgment and character!

10:16 AM  
Blogger KYJurisDoctor said...

If we all changed churches every time our Pastor says something profoundly STUPID, we'll all have to form our own churches!

11:05 AM  

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