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Monday, April 28, 2008

Former Kentucky Governor Paul Patton Weighs In On Brad Cowgill's COPSE Selection, Sides With Govenor Steve Beshear.

The feuding between Governor Steve Beshear and the Council On Post Secondary Education (COPSE) over the Council's selection of Brad Cowgill as President has drawn the interest of former Governor Paul Patton, one of the main architects of the original Kentucky's 1997 higher education reforms.

Paul Patton says the "obvious intent of the law" is to have a president who is "one of the most highly respected positions in higher education in the nation."

Continuing, Patton said "Under the circumstances, Mr. Cowgill does not fit what is intended or needed", and "I can't see how he's got the background to do the job."

The "war" continues, and you will be updated.

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