Web Osi Speaks!

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

I Received A Friendly Phone Call From Sonny Landham, Where He "REPUDIATED" The Council of Conservative Citizens And The Group's RACIST Views.

Yes, from the same Sonny Landham who is running for U. S. Senate from Kentucky on a Libertarian ticket.

Sonny QUICKLY called me a few hours after I published my post (I just forgot to blog on it until today) to explain that he had read my post on him, and he wanted to explain to me that he was unaware of the Council of Conservative Citizens' principle of "opposes immigration by non-Europeans" and "efforts to mix the races," or that the group has White Supremacists leanings, which drew recognition from The Anti-Defamation League as a "white supremacist" organization.

I explained to Sonny that I was able to find out all this information by "Googling" the organization's name and checking out their website.

Anyway, to make a long story short, Sonny has NOW "repudiated" the group and it's RACIST views and "REGRETS" their past associations with him (Joe Gerth also has a take on this matter).

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