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Friday, July 04, 2008


Just like Adams, Jefferson, and Monroe, Jesse Helms died on the 4th of July. There will be of course the obligatory complaints on the occasion from the MSM about Helms being a segregationist as a young man, and for opposing the King holiday. Unsaid will be that in the 1940s most white Democrats, North and South, were strict segregationists, but as a genuine Southern gentleman and patriot, it was not a difficult journey to find his way to the party of Lincoln by the time he started his political career, one based on freedom for all, and unyielding opposition to tyranny.

He was particularly brave on the King holiday, not willing to put aside Kings' sad decline his last few years as a tool of communist fronters, opposing the Vietnam War.

In person, he was probably the most beloved member of the Senate, because unlike the typical member of that body, he was not on an ego trip and he treated even the lowliest staffer, including his many black assistants with equal decency. In fact, a great many of the people who man the conservative movement, such as it still is, got their start with him.

But it was his greatest hour in 1976 when he saved Ronald Reagan's campaign by pulling out the primary with his own TV commercials, ignoring the wimpy DC consultants and slamming Ford for selling out the Panama Canal. In a sense, the conservative movement never looked back.

If there is one thing we can all learn from Jesse Helms, it's to not be afraid to stand up for what's right, the voters will be there if the leaders have the courage to lead.

Thank God our country has had patriots like Jesse Helms, and we could certainly use a few more
like him in the years ahead.


Blogger Unknown said...

At last we agree on something osi!

1:02 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Soon after the Senate vote on the Confederate flag insignia, Sen. Jesse Helms ran into Mosely-Braun in a Capitol elevator. Helms turned to his friend, Sen. Orrin Hatch, and said, "Watch me make her cry. I'm going to make her cry. I'm going to sing 'Dixie' until she cries." He then proceeded to sing the song about "the good life" during slavery to Mosely-Braun.

He was over 60 years old when he did this. Probably the best Independence Day present I can think of, at any rate. One person's patriot is another's bigot.

11:00 PM  
Blogger KYJurisDoctor said...

To ALL: I did NOT write the post; FRANK FRIDAY -- a Contributor -- did.

While I would NOT necessarily have called Jesse helms a Patriot (because of his SEGREGATIONIST and BIGOTED past -- and maybe Jean will say PRESENT), I can say that he was a good CONSERVATIVE -- though of the DIXIECRAT kind!

3:30 PM  

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