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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

And Then Those Who Kissed The Pig -- Lipstick And All. First Up, Ron Lewis.

Below is a press release from Ron Lewis:

"Just over a week ago, the Administration requested that Congress act on a proposal to address a growing and comprehensive financial crisis. The House of Representatives responded with the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. While far from being an ideal bill I believe some modifications made over the weekend improved the Treasury's plan. In the end, I voted for the legislation. Now that the proposal has failed, it is more important than ever that we work together to develop a plan to address the existing crisis with the strong bipartisan support of Congress. As we move forward, my priorities remain unchanged: protect Kentucky taxpayers and ensure that irresponsible practices on Wall St. do not imperil the investments and savings of hardworking, responsible citizens on Main St."

Editor's comment: I like Ron Lewis, but he does not get a "high five" on this one. A "thumbs down" is more like it.

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