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Monday, October 27, 2008

The Paducah Sun/Editorial: MITCH.

The Paducah Sun/Editorial


Kentucky, all of America need McConnell in Senate

Kentucky Democratic operatives have lately become fond of saying that the Kentucky Senate race is the second-most-important vote on the ballot November 4 — second only to the presidential election. They’re right about that. Unwittingly perhaps, the Democrats acknowledge just how important Sen. Mitch McConnell’s continued leadership in the United States Senate is, not just to Kentucky, but the future direction of this country.

The Paducah Sun believes the re-election of Mitch McConnell is essential if the political, social and moral principles held close by most Kentuckians are to continue to hold an effective beachhead in Washington. The Paducah Sun today gives Sen. Mitch McConnell its strongest endorsement.
On the national level, Sen. McConnell’s remarkably effective leadership skills as Senate Minority Leader have against great odds assured that the conservative principles of lower taxes, less government and aggressive prosecution of the war on terror have not been overrun by an increasingly left-leaning Democratic majority in Congress. He has with regularity tied his liberal foes in knots, extracting more in concessions from his opponents across the aisle than his predecessors could achieve when Republicans were in the majority.

It’s no wonder that the left wants Mitch McConnell out. They see him as all that stands between them and free rein on an array of agendas they hold dear — punitive taxes on entrepreneurs and small businesses, wealth redistribution on a massive scale, keeping domestic energy resources and nuclear power off limits for development despite an economy already ruined by global hyperinflation of energy costs, activist judges who will divine new law rather than adhere to the Constitution, and increased government regulation and intrusion into the lives of everyone.

These are the reasons we now see a flood of money pouring into Kentucky on behalf of Sen. McConnell’s opponent from the likes of New York Sen. Chuck Schumer and an array of liberal lobby groups that by and large care about the concerns of the average Kentuckian not one wit. It’s not about Kentucky. It’s about their vision of a Democratic president and a Democratic Congress which, with Sen. McConnell and several of his colleagues out of the way, would have an unobstructed path toward European-style socialism.

Sen. McConnell’s re-election is a matter of national importance. It will have a marked impact on where this nation goes politically the next six years. But even absent those realities, we believe that Sen. McConnell’s service to Kentucky and specifically to our part of the state during his 24-year tenure, standing alone, merits his return to the Senate.

No one has worked harder over the past two decades to advance the interests of the economy and the people of far western Kentucky than Mitch McConnell. He has been a champion of both the workers and the operators of Paducah’s gaseous diffusion plant on many fronts, from securing funding and cutting red tape to address health problems of workers at the plant, to finding or restoring money for environmental cleanup, to shepherding new enterprises and jobs to the plant through the DUF6 conversion facility. The plant and its workers have had no greater advocate than Mitch McConnell.

Sen. McConnell has also over the years shepherded hundreds of millions of dollars to other worthy economic development and public works projects in McCracken County and the rest of our region, including this year $2 million for the Murray-Calloway Industrial Park, $4 million for the Paducah Waterfront Development Project and more than $100 million for critical river navigation projects at Olmsted Lock and Dam, Kentucky Lock and McAlpine Lock and Dam.

Some have taken cheap shots at Sen. McConnell for such efforts, calling it pork. But the reality is Kentuckians send hundreds of millions of dollars to Washington every year. It’s our money, and it is the responsibility of the federal government to return that money to the state in the form of public works and job creation. Sen. McConnell has always done a diligent and effective job of assuring Kentucky receives its due in the way of this federal support, and that it is intelligently distributed to good projects.

As for Sen. McConnell’s opponent, Bruce Lunsford, we’ll only observe that the Lunsford who spoke at a debate with Sen. McConnell at Kentucky Dam Village last Thursday strikes us as someone well to the left of the Bruce Lunsford we knew as Kentucky commerce secretary a generation ago. Although proclaiming himself a centrist, he embraces the redistributionist tax policies of Barack Obama and is actually to the left of Obama in opposing a recently passed terrorist surveillance bill (Lunsford says it gives him personal privacy concerns), which Obama voted for.
Mitch McConnell is the clear choice this election day.



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