Web Osi Speaks!

Monday, November 03, 2008

With John McCain SHAMEFULLY Abdicating His Responsility As A Maverick And Turning Into A Political Amoeba, I HEARTILLY Endorse Barack Obama For POTUS.

Yes, you heard me right, as the caption explains is PERFECTLY.

Rather than write a new piece on this endorsement, I urge you to visit the nearly 300 major national newspapers that have endorsed Barack Obama and written about him and why.

Though my endorsement is HEARTY, I do so with HOPE for a desired CHANGE for a country which I love dearly, and which I have chosen to act in her behalf, to prevent it from further destruction.

At this point in my country's life and PREDICAMENT, it is time to give someone else from a party other than my Republican Party a CHANCE to try and FIX things.

Barack Obama may -- or may not -- be that person, but he is "THE ONE" who national political events gives as the only choice left ( and by ALL accounts, he is the likeliest to change the conversation in Washington, D. C. ... and we know that John McCain, with his abandonment of his Maverick persona and the condoning of racism against Barack Obama, CANNOT).

And for those of you who are reading this post, my love for my country SURPASSES any love I may have for my Republican Party, which party has MORPHED into some monster that my hero, Abraham Lincoln, would hardly understand or recognize.

And, further, If you are wondering, I shall cast my votes, on Tuesday, according to my endorsements checklist.

SPECIAL INSRUCTIONS: A warning to those of you IDIOTS out there -- ya'll know who you are -- who prefer their political party affiliation to the good of the country, and who believe you have a right to tell this Registered Republican how to vote or who to vote for, or risk being accused of not being a Republican for having endorsed a Democrat, I ask you to NOT bother coming to my blog to spew your FILTH for two reasons:

1) In case you have FAILED to notice, SLAVERY, both physical and mental was abolished by the 13th Amendment to the Constitution. You, therefore, do NOT own me and CANNOT dictate for me who to vote for or support.

2) I can assure you that my love for country is more genuine than yours, as I look for ways to serve my country and make it a BETTER place for EVERYONE, and you look for ways to take from it, and, preserve it SOLELY for your kind.

A word to the WISE (I am making an assumption here, which may indeed be totally unwarranted).



Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's awesome, Osi. I'm glad you decided to stand with America "over party" and help put into office a man who launched his political career at the home of a terrorist, misled repeatedly about his close relationship with the same until the evidence became overwhelming, sat on an ultra-left wing board issuing grants for extreme left wing causes to indocrtinate impressionable children, attending a church which spewed hate America rhetoric for 20 years and has close ties to Farakhan and the Nation of Islam, promotes socialistic policies across the board, weakening America's defense systems, government takeover of health care, the "fairness" doctrine to silence his critics, radically pro-abortion including stating one of his first priorities would be to sign the "Freedom of Choice Act" - one of the most radical pro-abortion pieces of legislation in history, denounced the U.S. Supreme Court's upholding of a statute which barred partial-birth abortion, intereferred with a foreign election and tried to promote a radical socialist into the Presidency of Kenya, opposes common sense energy policy, supports higher taxes, ultra-liberal supreme court justice appointments which will last generations, will severely damage small businesses if he pursues his tax policies, etc. So yeah, you are right about him "changing the conversation" - abandoning American principles in support of ideas foreign to our most basic values.

You gave no substantive reason why you were voting for him and repeatedly indicate those who expose his extremism and the extremism of those he partners with as "racists." That's intellectually bankrupt. It's absolutely appauling you would insinuate "slavery" for someone who would call you out on this lack of reasoning. The language you are using at times is also way out of line.

Osi, vote for who you want - but don't insult us with empty reasoning.

11:10 PM  
Blogger KYJurisDoctor said...


The empty reasoning is ENTIRELY yours.

You mention that "You gave no substantive reason why you were voting for him and repeatedly indicate those who expose his extremism and the extremism of those he partners with as "racists."

No where have I done so; I just called out racists for who they are, and if you find that my suggestion fits your profile, then wear it well.

As for intellectual bankruptcy, your rantings here, suggest to me you know the subject very well, possibly from your expertise in the craft!

9:36 AM  

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