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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I Don't Know What Good It Will Do, Here's A Release From Dick Armey, Chairman Of FreedomWorks.

Take to the Airwaves and Streets to Pressure 3 Republican Senators on Stimulus!

Dear Osi,

As you know, the Senate passed its own version of President Obama’s trillion dollar debt plan this week by a vote of 61-36. To the major disappointment of liberty-minded people everywhere, Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA), Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME) and Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) voted with the liberal Democrats for the largest spending bill in the history of the United States. If you have tried calling their Washington or even their state offices you have probably gotten a busy signal. This is because so many people have risen up against this colossal waste of taxpayer money sold to us through fear and deception. Before the final vote in both chambers this week, we still have time to try and convince these three senators to switch their votes and stop this disastrous Keynesian scheme from becoming a reality.

Here is what we need to do. First everyone should take to the airwaves for the rest of the week, calling talk radio stations that reach Maine and Pennsylvania voters. Your message should be that Senators Specter, Snowe and Collins have made a big mistake by voting for Obama’s trillion dollar debt plan, and that they still have time to switch their votes before the conference report goes back to the Senate later this week. These three Republicans have told the American people that if the bill is loaded with more spending in the conference committee, that they will not support it. We need to hold them to their word, and demand that they vote against the bill. So please take a few minutes and try to alert the people of Pennsylvania and Maine by calling the major talk radio stations there to drive the point home. Try to get whatever radio show is being broadcast right now and tell the host that Dick Armey encouraged you to call and defend liberty by broadcasting your message against the debt plan to hundreds of thousands of people.

Second, if you live in Maine or Pennsylvania, you should channel your energy and anger against the trillion dollar debt plan and take to the streets in protest. Grab a few of your friends and head down to Main Street with signs, handouts and sign-up sheets to recruit those you meet to our cause. The politicians and their staff may be avoiding or screening our phone calls, but we can get our message out directly to the people by leading a public demonstration against their votes for massive debt.

Finally, if you live in a city near one of the Senate regional offices in Maine or Pennsylvania, show up with your group and demand that Senators Specter, Snowe and Collins switch their votes. You can see how we led just such a visit the other day in Washington, by watching our video on YouTube.

Thank you for everything you are doing to prevent this nightmare of spending, debt and pork from becoming a reality. Together we can send a message loud and clear that the American people are tired of the politicians performing fiscal child abuse on our children and grandchildren.


Dick Armey




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