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Saturday, March 21, 2009

"Vindicating McCain".

Vindicating McCain

The worst-kept secret on Capitol Hill is that Democrats have always planned to tax health benefits to pay for their "universal" health-care plans. Now White House aides are whispering that they're also open to the idea. Maybe they will all now apologize to John McCain for trashing his proposal to do the same thing in the Presidential campaign.

Democrats are desperately searching for the $1.2 trillion and more they'll need to subsidize middle-class health coverage. With deficits already at epic levels, more spending is politically a harder sell. So they're now circling the tax deduction that employers receive to offer insurance to their workers for the same reason that Willie Sutton robbed banks, because that's where the money is.

Most likely, Democrats will cap the exclusion by income or cost of the health plan, so that those with the most gold-plated benefits pay more for the privilege. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that a ceiling at the 75th percentile of current levels would generate $452 billion over 10 years.

But hold on. John McCain also wanted to reform this tax break, which goes only to business. Individuals don't get the same tax break if they buy insurance themselves. Mr. McCain proposed to gradually replace the workplace deduction with a refundable tax credit available to all Americans, regardless of where they acquired their coverage. Mr. Obama attacked him ruthlessly for it.

"And this is your plan, John," he said at one debate. "For the first time in history, you will be taxing people's health-care benefits." Mr. Obama added that the McCain proposal was "radical," "the biggest middle-class tax increase in history," "out of line with our basic values" and that "the choice you'll have is having your employer no longer provide you health care." Combined with heavy advertising and Mr. McCain's inability to defend his own ideas, these distortions were highly effective.

In a deeply cynical turnabout, the White House now says a tax on employer benefits is acceptable as long as someone else proposes it. We suppose anyone would be embarrassed to endorse a fundamental insight that he once claimed was vile and destructive.

The reality is that the employer-based tax deduction is the original sin of our health-care system. Particularly indefensible is the coverage gap it creates between those who receive it from their employers and those who pay (or can't afford to pay) for their own policies with after-tax dollars. A universal deduction or credit would restore tax parity -- and gradually stimulate the demand for new, less expensive insurance where consumers, not their bosses, are in charge.

This relic of the World War II era has also left us with a health-care financing "system" that only a central planner could love, with neither a functional price mechanism nor the capacity to recognize value. The employer-exclusive deduction has created what is essentially a giant money laundering operation, an endless cycle of third parties lacking any direct stake in controlling costs elsewhere -- when they're not profiting from the waste.

Capping the open-ended tax exclusion is a perfectly sensible idea, which would discipline the excess health insurance that contributes to rising health spending. The problem is that reducing the exclusion means withdrawing a benefit, which is easy to demagogue, as Mr. Obama showed in 2008. It is also unpopular among unions, which have often secured Cadillac health plans in labor contracts. But we suspect the unions will come around if they get the taxpayers to pay for health care instead.

The deeper problem is that Democrats don't want to create a new private market for individual health insurance. Their goal in reducing the employer tax deduction is to apply the revenue to finance a new "public option," a subsidized program modeled after Medicare and open to the middle class that would crowd out private insurers. Another idea is to provide the tax subsidy only to businesses that comply with a new federally mandated benefits package.

The almost certain long-run outcome of these efforts is the total nationalization of health care. Anyone who believed Mr. Obama when he said that under his plan "you can keep your health insurance, keep your choice of doctor, keep your plan" should think twice. Everything else he said during his campaign is obviously subject to change, as John McCain can attest.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

7:30 PM  
Blogger KYJurisDoctor said...

Thanks for visiting. Come back, yer hear.

4:07 PM  

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