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Friday, April 17, 2009

FYI: Dan Mongiardo Releases Campaign Email. Read More Below.

April 17, 2009

Dear Friend,

I want to update you on an exciting development in our campaign for the United States Senate.

With the support of Governor Beshear and many friends from around Kentucky, we have raised $429,552 in just six weeks for our first quarter fundraising report and have $388,500 cash-on hand. (While our campaign was launched on February 6, we were not able to start raising money until February 17 due to Kentucky’s record ice storm.).

The amount we raised is $166,000 more than raised by Senator Jim Bunning, who raised just $262,843 and we have more cash-on-hand ($388,500 vs. $375,747 for Bunning).

Thanks to Kentuckians from all over the Commonwealth, we have raised more than any Democratic challenger for a U.S. Senate seat from Kentucky has ever raised in the first quarter of an election cycle. Our contributions came from 90 of Kentucky's 120 counties. Click here to see Jim Bunning refuse to answer questions about his fundraising.

Jim Bunning’s fundraising figures make it clear Kentuckians are tired of his arrogance and blind support for Republican policies which have put our economy at risk, resulting in higher unemployment, higher healthcare costs, higher college costs, and placed retirement at risk for thousands of Kentucky seniors.
But I am not running simply to defeat Jim Bunning. I am running to improve the lives of hard working Kentucky families who are too often ignored or forgotten. With growing support from thousands of Kentuckians, I am confident we will beat Jim Bunning and finally give Kentucky families a Senator who will stand up for them.

Finally, as you probably know, Jack Conway has entered the Democratic primary. I welcome Jack into the race. There are several important differences between us in terms of our life experiences, expertise and our records, but our differences are small compared to the differences we both have with Jim Bunning. I know Jack shares my view that our most important goal is to defeat Jim Bunning, and I look forward to a spirited campaign.

Please help me start this next financial reporting period as strong as we have just ended the last one. I know April 15th was a day for many to write a large check to the federal government. Please consider making a small contribution at to help us beat Jim Bunning and bring about the change we need in the federal government in Washington.

Together we can make a difference in improving the lives of the people of Kentucky.


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