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Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Vermont Becomes The Fourth State To Legalize Gay "Marriages".

Go here and read the rest of the story, or excerpts below:

Vermont lawmakers legalize gay marriage

MONTPELIER, Vt. – The roll call came to the end and Jeff Young, a gardener and freshman Democrat, switched his vote.

His simple “yes” tipped the balance today in the state House of Representatives, making Vermont the fourth state in the country to legalize marriage between same-sex couples.

Young’s move ensured that lawmakers had 100 votes – the minimum needed in the heavily Democratic 150-member legislature to override Monday’s veto by Governor Jim Douglas. The House’s 100-49 vote came about an hour after the state Senate voted 23-5 to override the Republican governor. The new law takes effect on Sept. 1.

Update: News video:

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