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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

And In Kentucky, The GOP Welcomes Its Political Hatfield And McCoy -- Jim Bunning And Mitch McConnell. No Shooting Yet. Read More.

Read more from the C-J, and the H-L.

Below is an excerpt from the Courier Journal:

U.S. Sen. Jim Bunning, on his weekly conference call today, called Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell a “control freak” and said that it would probably help him during his 2010 re-election campaign if McConnell doesn’t back him.

“If Mitch McConnell doesn’t endorse me, it could be the best thing that ever happened to me in Kentucky,” Bunning said.

Again, Bunning blamed McConnell for Republican losses in the Senate during the 2006 and 2008 election cycles, saying McConnell was primarily the cause of the losses last year when the Republicans dropped eight seats.

“McConnell is leading the ship, but he is leading it in the wrong direction,” Bunning said.

And below is an excerpt from the Herald Leader:

U.S. Sen. Jim Bunning acknowledged Tuesday that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell told him that “I was too old and I couldn’t win” a re-election battle in 2010.

Bunning, 77, went on to call McConnell a “control freak” and said he’ll fare well in Kentucky without McConnell’s endorsement in the GOP primary election. “If Mitch McConnell doesn’t endorse me that may be the best thing that could happen to me in Kentucky,” he told reporters during a weekly conference call.

Bunning, R-Southgate, said it would be kind to call his relationship with McConnell strained. “I said no to him and he doesn’t like people who say no to him,” Bunning said.

Editor's comment: This is getting awful ... for the GOP in Kentucky. Someone needs to say: Enough already. OK, I'll say it: Enough already. This is starting to resemble the Hatfields and the McCoys, without the shooting!

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