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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Louisville Courier Journal Editorial: 'Audacity' Of C-J Editorial On The GOP.

'Audacity' of C-J editorial on the GOP

I was simply appalled by the audacity of the Saturday editorial "A GOP choice." The unabashed, bleeding-heart bent of the editorial content of what you laughingly call a "newspaper" is the poster child of liberal bias that dominates the bulk of the traditional media today.

To set the record straight, Arlen Specter was a Democrat for many years before becoming a Republican. His "change of heart" has more to do with the vested self-interest of a long-serving incumbent desperate for re-election than with political ideology.

As for former Secretary of State Colin Powell, he is a great man, but his Democratic endorsement has as much to do with settling scores from the past as any change in his conservative beliefs. No doubt the Republican Party has much to consider as it plots a course for the future. However, the focus needs to remain on the beliefs of our Founding Fathers, which at their core valued the individual over the supremacy of the state.

Fundamental to this view is a belief in the dignity of the individual, that our value is derived from being unique in our own right vs. being a member of some faceless class. As individuals, we have the right to live freely and pursue those things that motivate us, but are responsible for our actions and deeds.

Further, we are all members of a civil society that promotes the betterment of both the individual and the broader community as a whole. In a civil society, there is a moral order rooted in faith and respect for the unalienable rights of others and that as individuals we have a duty to contribute to the community. Finally, such a society is governed by the rule of law and respect for private property and the fruits of personal endeavors.

So please, spare us from the valueless dribble that the GOP's future success is in embracing modern liberalism. Taking such advice is tantamount to sending lettuce by rabbit wherein the resulting delivery should be disposed of accordingly — greenly, of course.

Prospect, Ky. 40059



Anonymous Anonymous said...

John Accardo is right on target. He is correct. Thanks for this very good posting.

6:46 PM  

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