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Monday, June 01, 2009

Exposing The Hypocrisy Of My Fellow Conservatives In The Republican Party Regarding Judge Sonya (Sonia) Sotomayor. Watch Videos, And Tsk, Tsk.

Watch below as former Republican President Ronald Reagan plays "gender politics" with his Supreme Court pick in 1981. Again, gender politics is OK when played by Conservatives:

Then watch below as former President George H. W. Bush introduces Clarence Thomas as someone with "empathy". I guess with my fellow Conservatives, empathy is a good thing if exhibited by a fellow Conservative, but a SIN when exhibited by a Liberal:

Watch below as Justice Samuel Alito explains during his Senate confirmation, that "When I get a case about discrimination, I have to think about people in my own family who suffered discrimination because of their ethnic background or because of religion or because of gender. And I do take that into account[]":

Then watch below as Justice Clarence Thomas explains to Senators during his confirmation hearing that his background matters: "I can walk in their shoes, and I can bring something different to the Court[]":

Follow this link. I'll embed the video here later.

Read more about judge Sotomayor's "empathy" on Slate.

Any questions about the hypocrisy?

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Blogger cw allen said...

Gotta pick you battles and for conseravative republicans this one is a loser anyway you look at it. She'll have the votes to pass and all this boon-doggling just makes these guys look weaker!!

2:09 PM  
Blogger KYJurisDoctor said...

Yep, but WORSE. It makes the Republican Party and the party "spokespersons" sound deranged!

4:42 PM  

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