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Monday, June 15, 2009

SILLY Sarah Palin's Controversies, And Other Interesting Topics Found Among Courier Journal's Editorial Letters.

Palin's controversies

I like to imagine that a fiercely cold wind accompanies Sarah Palin any time she comes from Alaska to the mainland. I shudder every time I hear her name on the news, as it seems she cannot make the trip without bringing controversy with her.

Her latest effort to remain in the national spotlight comes in the form of a pathetic attempt to pick a fight with Dave Letterman, who made some off-color jokes about her daughter. Since he apologized, albeit in his own unique way, I thought we would all move on. But when I read that Sarah Palin had called for an apology on behalf of all young women, I felt I had to step in. As an intelligent young woman, I do not need Palin to speak for me. I am currently pursing a graduate degree in the humanities and am a self-proclaimed feminist, and I have no desire for an additional apology from Letterman.

While I respect Palin as a strong-willed, opinionated woman, I have rarely agreed with anything she says. I do not see her as champion for women's rights, and I cringe to think that anyone else would see her that way. Overreacting to a joke is not standing up for women's rights. There are dozens of issues affecting women — such as education and health care — where she could make a difference. But lashing out at a comedian does nothing but make her seem petty and unreasonable.

Sarah Palin made the choice to step into the national spotlight, and she brought her family along with her. If she cannot accept the hazards that come with it, then perhaps she should return her full focus to her duties as the governor of Alaska and stop these ridiculous attempts to remain relevant in national politics.


Louisville 40217

Fear tactics

A defining characteristic of conservatism is fear. The latest example is House Republican leader John Boehner who is terrified by the prospect of Guant√°namo detainees being tried in our civilian criminal justice system. The quaking, shaking, fearful Rep. Boehner and others such as Liz Cheney forget that imprisoning people is what we do in the United States. Not only are we good at it, we are without equal; no other country in the world locks up more of its citizens than we do.

Living in a country that is the world's greatest incarcerator apparently is not enough to ease the fright of conservatives. To help these poor souls consumed by fear let us scrap any pretense of a domestic justice system and outsource our courts and prisons to places unknown. That would allow a modicum of relief for the fearful ones who then could focus only on domestic terrorists such as the ones who recently brought violence to Kansas and Washington, D.C.


Louisville 40242

Hire felons

Why will no one hire a felon, if you have put in your time "paying back your debt to society"? Why are you still being punished? No one will hire you. What you did several years ago is over. You should not have to pay the rest of your life. Most people have changed and are better people. But ... our society will not give you a second chance. You wonder why people go back to jail — because we do not give them an opportunity to better themselves. How can anyone support a family?

It is not right. It is discrimination.


Louisville 40217



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