Web Osi Speaks!

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Steve Jobs' Apple Company Rolls Out New I-Phone, Software, Macbooks, Pisses Off Current I-Phone Users. Watch Video.

Update: based on comments from my friend, John Rogers, I am updating the info.

First: here is a sample of folks gripping about Apple's IPhone 3GS. I am one of them; and, Second, in answer to his question about whether I am going to upgrade (the answer is: NO, at least not at this time -- I shall in the future, though I am MORE likely to just wait for the 4G version, which I am CERTAIN Apple will introduce next year, with HUGE improvements in both software and hardware (in other words, a TRULY competent portable computer)) -- here's a good pro and con analysis.

I hope the update helps.

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Blogger John Rogers said...

Osi... your headline is a bit misleading... in this story, the only thing that upset the one fellow was that Jobs wasn't there... no negative comments about the phone itself..but, your headline did get me to watch the video ! : ) ... btw, are you going to get the new one ?

7:35 AM  
Blogger KYJurisDoctor said...

Sorry, I meant to post the link to the story. I'll update later.

No, I do not plan on buying a new one just yet. I will update my software come June 16th.

I am still made that the I-Phone is now half price. *SIGH*

I'll wait for the 4G, with BETTER improvements than the 3Gs!

1:12 PM  

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