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Friday, June 19, 2009

United States Senate Passes Resolution Apologizing For Slavery, But There's A Disclaimer. Read More.

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WASHINGTON — The Senate passed a resolution Thursday calling on the U.S. to apologize officially for the enslavement and segregation of millions of African-Americans and to acknowledge "the fundamental injustice, brutality, and inhumanity of slavery and Jim Crow laws."

The resolution, sponsored with little fanfare by Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, passed on a voice vote. It now moves to the House of Representatives, where it may meet an unlikely foe: Members of the Congressional Black Caucus.

Several CBC members expressed concerns Thursday about a disclaimer that states that "nothing in this resolution authorizes or supports any claim against the United States; or serves as a settlement of any claim against the United States."

The CBC members think that the disclaimer is an attempt to stave off reparations claims from the descendants of slaves. Congressional Black Caucus Chair Barbara Lee, D-Calif., said her organization is studying the language of Harkin's resolution.

Other CBC members said they've read it and don't like it.

"Putting in a disclaimer takes away from the meaning of an apology," said Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss. "A number of us are prepared to vote against it in its present form. There are several members of the Progressive Caucus who feel the same way."

Thompson and other Black Caucus members noted that a 1988 apology that the government issued to the Japanese-Americans held in U.S. camps during World War II had no disclaimer and didn't prevent them from receiving compensation.

"The language is unacceptable," said Rep. William Lacy Clay, D-Mo., "I'm a reparations man — how else do you repair the damage?"

Sen. Roland Burris, D-Ill., the Senate's lone African-American, went to the floor after the Harkin resolution passed and said "I want to go on record making sure that that disclaimer in no way would eliminate future actions that may be brought before this body that may deal with reparations."

Such concerns by the Black Caucus could slow a resolution that many lawmakers and civil rights groups considered such a slam-dunk that plans are already underway for an elaborate signing and apology ceremony in the Capitol Rotunda early next month.

Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., who's shepherding the Harkin resolution in the House, sponsored a slavery apology bill that excluded a disclaimer and passed in that chamber last year. He described the scheduled Rotunda event as "an understanding, a beginning of a dialogue."

Instead of making preparations for the event, Cohen found himself Thursday trying to convince Black Caucus members that the disclaimer is simply ultra-careful legalese that senators insisted upon and doesn't impact the drive for reparations.

"It doesn't set reparations back," Cohen said, his voice trailing. "But to be against an apology . . . "

However, some African-Americans hailed the Senate vote as a monumental achievement. Charles Ogletree, a Harvard University law professor who mentored President Barack Obama, placed it on par with the federal government's apology to Japanese-Americans and said it comes at a time of significant milestones for African-Americans.

"This year we're celebrating the 80th birthday of Martin Luther King, the 200th birthday of Lincoln and the 100th anniversary of the NAACP," Ogletree said.

Update: Is an apology all is needed?:

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