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Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Just In Case You Are Interested In Political Fundraising News: Jack Conway Raises Nearly One And Half Million Dollars For Democratic Senate Race.

Follow this link >>>>>>>>>> Conway raises $1.325 million for Senate, or excerpts below (by Joseph Gerth):

Attorney General Jack Conway announced Wednesday that he has raised $1.325 million during his first quarter of fundraising for his U.S. Senate campaign.

The campaign claims to have had the best fundraising quarter of any Democratic challenger or candidate for an open U.S. Senate seat.

In a press release, Conway's campaign notes that he more than tripled the amount that his chief opponent, Lt. Gov. Daniel Mongiardo, raised in his first quarter of fundraising.

It's also the most any Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate in Kentucky has ever raised in the state.

Conway is seeking the seat held by Sen. Jim Bunning, a northern Kentucky Republican. In the release, Conway notes that he has raised $125,000 in Northern Kentucky.

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