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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Lexington Herald Leader Editorial: Justified Outrage At KACo.

Justified outrage at KACo

Finally, a county leader has publicly objected to the Kentucky Association of Counties' wasteful spending of taxpayer funds, including at casinos and strip clubs.

Pike County Judge-Executive Wayne T. Rutherford, a charter member of KACo, expressed outrage, made demands and offered suggestions for reforms in a three-page letter mailed to county executives around the state.

He criticized the KACo executive committee for failing in its oversight duties and singled out the 2008 president, Spencer County Judge-Executive David Jenkins, for his spending "because this conduct tarnishes the image of all Kentucky officials."

The Herald-Leader review of KACo's spending found that the top five officials spent $600,000 on travel and other expenses in two years. Jenkins spent nearly $20,000 more in his one year in office.

This happened while KACo — which provides insurance, financing, training, lobbying and legal services — increased fees on insurance and finance programs.

Rutherford said that Pike County paid KACo more than $1.7 million in fees and costs related to insurance coverage for 2008-2009 -— an increase of 25 percent over the previous fiscal year.

His letter called for firings, resignations, fee cuts for counties and some cost-saving moves.

The best guidance will come from the state auditor's review of KACo finances and management. The state Department of Insurance has also begun a review of operations.

Chris Harris, a Pike County magistrate and KACo's second vice president, described Rutherford's letter as political grandstanding. Harris says Rutherford is afraid he will run against him.

It is always hard to divorce politics from politicians. But even if Rutherford plans to use KACo spending to blunt a Harris challenge, it does not mean he is not right to be frustrated.

Every Kentuckian should be.

The best way to ensure that KACo becomes a better steward of public money is for the counties — those who provide the money — to make clear they will no longer tolerate such waste and abuse.



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