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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Megan McCain Would "Be Flattered To Be Considered The Anti-Ann Coulter, The Anti-Rush Limbaugh." I'm Loving Megan Already!

Read more here, or Huffpost's summary below:

"In an interview with OUT magazine, Meghan McCain spoke freely on her support for gay marriage -- and her dislike of some conservative mouthpieces.

Unprompted, McCain rails against the man her father's presidential campaign touted as an American everyman and made a showpiece in the weeks before the election. "Joe the Plumber -- you can quote me -- is a dumbass. He should stick to plumbing."

McCain also said she'd "be flattered to be considered the anti-Ann Coulter, the anti-Rush Limbaugh."

Author James Kirchick added in a blog post that there's still one controversial campaign figure McCain won't discuss:

Interestingly, while McCain is more than happy to bash the man whom her father celebrated for weeks on end, the one part of the campaign McCain will not talk about is Sarah Palin."

Editor's comment: I'm loving Megan already.

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Anonymous seriously? said...

It's amazing how the fact that your dad is a Senator can suddenly make you qualified to opine on anything. Without ever actually addressing Joe's merits, she immediately resorts to ad hominem to make her point. And somehow people think this makes her smart. For all you people who are currently touting her merits, beware. She will eventually get over her "I resent the fact that my father gives so much of his time to government and so little to me" phase and will revert to conservatism. She will cross back over and the GOP will welcome her with open arms, claiming a "triumph of ideals." The best thing we all can do is to let her fade into obscurity, as opposed to making her into any sort of intellectual or important figurehead, which she clearly shouldn't be.

9:22 AM  

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