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Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Moving Away From Kentucky, Should Not South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford Resign? I Join His GOP Colleagues In Saying He Should.

Read more here, or the following excerpts:

COLUMBIA, South Carolina (CNN) -- Six more Republicans in the South Carolina Senate are calling on Gov. Mark Sanford to resign, including Majority Leader Harvey Peeler.
Gov. Mark Sanford has said it's better for him to keep his governorship to "learn lessons."

Gov. Mark Sanford has said it's better for him to keep his governorship to "learn lessons."

Late Tuesday, the senators jointly issued a news release demanding that the Republican governor step down because he has lost the trust of South Carolinians.

"The bottom line is that the Governor's private matters should remain private, but his deception and negligence make it impossible for us to trust him, and for him to govern in the future," they wrote.

So far, 12 of South Carolina's 27 GOP state senators have called on Sanford to resign.

Peeler told CNN that Sanford "has lost his ability to lead, and I'm afraid he has lost his ability to function as a man."

"He is sitting all alone in that big governor's mansion, totally alone," Peeler said. "It's about leadership and moving forward, and it's time for him to resign."

Peeler was joined by Republican state Sens. Hugh Leatherman, Paul Campbell, Jake Knotts, Larry Martin and William O'Dell.

Earlier Tuesday, two of Sanford's top conservative allies in the senate -- Larry Grooms and Kevin Bryant -- also said Sanford must go.

After returning last week from a secret trip to Argentina that his staff and wife didn't know about, Sanford admitted to an extramarital affair with a woman identified as Maria Belen Chapur. Sanford also told The Associated Press on Tuesday he's "crossed lines" with other women, although Chapur was the only one he had sex with.

Sanford wrote in a message to his political action committee e-mail list on Monday that while he considered resigning, "I would ultimately be a better person and of more service in whatever doors God opened next in life if I stuck around to learn lessons rather than running and hiding down at the farm."

The attorney general of South Carolina asked the State Law Enforcement Division to review Sanford's travel records after the governor admitted Tuesday to more visits with his mistress than previously disclosed.

The review by law enforcement officials would be the first formal investigation into whether Sanford abused his power while carrying on his affair.

State Law Enforcement Division Chief Reggie Lloyd said he would not characterize the review as a criminal investigation.

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