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Friday, July 10, 2009

"Shattering The Smoke And Mirrors Of Cap And Trade".

Shattering the Smoke and Mirrors of Cap and Trade
Submitted by John Walz

In the last month, there has been a very heated debate of the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 otherwise known as cap and trade. During these debates, we have heard many reasons why we should not do more to protect our environment. One of the most outspoken opponents against this momentous environmental program was Congressman Geoff Davis who labeled it a “National Energy Tax” and based his claims against this bill partly because, “the plan could increase the cost to average Kentucky family as much as $1798.23 annually.” This statement by Davis is dubious at best and outright falsehood at worst. The question is according to what source would the cost be this much? The answer, not surprisingly, is the fossil fuel industry and its benefactors.

Davis further states, “In addition, this proposal could result in hundreds of thousands of lost jobs.” This time he did not even bother to be specific, which is quite deliberate, the vagueness of these numbers is itself designed to create anxiety and fear in the population. It is a scare tactic plain and simple and it is dishonest. When a sitting Congressmen tries to create fear for his own political gain, that brings into question his integrity and fitness to hold office.

Davis adds to this egregious claim by stating that, “Kentucky families deserve a better solution that will protect our energy future, reduce our dependence on foreign oil, protect our environment through improved technology and incentives for cleaner energy production. With the right plan, we can achieve these goals and stimulate job creation.” If Davis has “the right plan” then why is he not willing to tell us what it is instead of hiding behind vague promises he hopes nobody questions, a tactic all too familiar with the Republicans in Washington D.C.

The truth about clean energy is it will create more jobs versus fossil fuels. The comparison between clean energy and fossil fuels is stark considering for every $1 million spent on clean energy would create 16.7 jobs versus 5.3 jobs for every $1 million spent on fossil fuels. An investment of $2 billion in clean energy in Kentucky would create 25,705 new jobs while lowering our unemployment rate to 5.2 percent (Center for American Progress).

The ultimate question is why exactly did Davis vote against cap and trade if the facts are clear that moving towards green energy is good for Kentuckians. It appears that special interest money influenced this decision and the money trail speaks for itself, which shows the lifetime contributions from various interests: Energy Sector $366,296, Oil and Gas $162,485, Electric Utilities $34,865, Coal Mining $119,400, Construction $363,167, Automakers $2,250 (Open Secrets)

America can once again show that we are global leaders by producing innovative legislation where other nations such as China, India, and other rapidly developing nations will be influenced to follow. If we move towards green technology, other nations will be more likely to follow but if we continue to do nothing our manufacturing sector will once be left behind again.

Our manufacturing sector has been decimated over the last thirty plus years and is one of the key parts of our economy in Kentucky. Right now China is already ahead of the curve in clean technology manufacturing and it is time to start a green revolution for our manufacturing sector. We can do this by providing incentives to attract new companies that can utilize factories that have been closed to spark our manufacturing sector once again in Kentucky.

America can once again show that we are global leaders by producing innovative legislation where other nations such as China, India, and other rapidly developing nations will be influenced to follow. If we move towards green technology, other nations will be more likely to follow but if we continue to do nothing our manufacturing sector will once be left behind again. This move towards clean energy technology can be an essential key to revitalizing our economy and ultimately will benefit generations to come.



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