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Friday, September 04, 2009

Louisville Courier Journal Editorial: A Bad Decision.

A bad decision

On Tuesday, President Obama has scheduled a noontime television address to the nation's schoolchildren — grades K-12 — to discuss goal-setting, hard work and personal responsibility. The themes are consistent with those Mr. Obama has been sharing throughout his public career, especially in the 2008 campaign.

In our hyper-heated political times, this inspirational talk is being turned into a major controversy, with some parents demanding that their children not be subjected to the President's message.

How sad it is that we have come to the point in this country where the President of all the people cannot talk to children about taking responsibility and working hard. Could the outrageous demonstrations of hate and prevarication that have dominated health care forums this summer now move to the schoolroom?

Kentucky Education Commissioner Terry Holliday has knuckled under to parental requests and told school officials that they must provide alternative activities for children of the objectors. This isn't just sad; it's outrageous.

The President of the United States — be he Barack Obama, Dwight Eisenhower or Theodore Roosevelt — ought to be able to speak words of encouragement to young people without being subject to parental censorship. Have we become so splintered in this nation that we can't unite over something as fundamental as the subject Mr. Obama will discuss? We hope Mr. Holliday has the good sense to reverse this bad decision.



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