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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Bowling Green Daily News: Rand Paul Shouldn't Take Local Voters For Granted.

Paul shouldn’t take BG voters for granted

Bowling Green resident and U.S. senatorial candidate Rand Paul might reside here, but he should not assume that he has this city wrapped up come November.

Paul, the Republican candidate to replace retiring U.S. Sen. Jim Bunning, isn’t as visible in Bowling Green as he could, or should, be. He is not regularly seen around town getting the message out about the damage that the Obama/Pelosi/Reid agenda is doing to our state and nation.

Understandably, he is in a race all Kentuckians will decide, so he can’t campaign in Bowling Green all the time. In order to win this election, he has to crisscross the state in areas where he is more vulnerable such as Louisville, Lexington and eastern Kentucky.

It is true that Warren County does tend to vote more Republican in federal elections and Paul has a good chance of carrying Bowling Green, but he should not take this city’s voters for granted.

His opponent, Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway, opened a campaign office in Bowling Green on Wednesday in an attempt to make a presence in Paul’s backyard.

Realistically, Conway is a smart enough politician to know that Bowling Green is not in play, but he does know that this is going to be a very close election and he would no doubt like to hold down Paul’s votes in his home area as much as he can.

Campaigning in Paul’s hometown should be a warning to Paul that although he must campaign statewide, he must also do more in Bowling Green to shore up his base and court the crossover voters he will surely need to win the election.

Paul has done a fairly good job of getting his message out during the post-primary election and it doesn’t hurt having the backing of the most powerful man in Kentucky politics, U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell, but at times he has been slow to respond to negative media stories or attacks by his own opponent.

Given the voting record of the past 20 years of federal elections, Bowling Green does vote for the Republican candidate, but this is something that Rand Paul can’t and shouldn’t take for granted if he wants to be the next U.S. senator from Kentucky.

With the unpopularity of Obama administration ideas, which Conway supports, such as “Obamacare,” card check and originally supporting cap and trade, now flip-flopping on that issue, it is hardly surprising that Conway isn’t anxious to have the president visit Kentucky on his behalf.

Now, Conway has come out in favor of extending the Bush tax cuts.

With the economy in the tank, a good argument can be made that it is not prudent to let them expire at year’s end.

Whether Conway has taken this position out of conviction or to demonstrate some belated independence from the Obama agenda is uncertain.

What is certain is that the election is Paul’s to lose.



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