Web Osi Speaks!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

America Needs To Abandon HELPLESS Dependency On Middle East Oil, Just As Its Southern States Abandoned INHUMANE Slavery.

OK, I think I get it now:

American economy is GREATLY dependent on Middle East oil, much the same way the American South was heavily dependent on cheap, but INHUMANE slave labor.

That is why every American President has acted either as a slave (think of the Bushes kissing the asses of the Saudis) or a master (think of the Bushes in Iraq and Obama in Libya bullying bullies) to those Bedouins over there.

The South swore it could not survive without slave labor, but it did.

Now we just have to do the same with the rest of America, by convincing Americans that they can survive without Middle East oil, and to do what it takes to get themselves there -- alternative energies, anyone?

I know, I know you will state "it's easier said than done", but again think of the South and its "peculiar way of life", which caused the South to find out that "war is HELL", thanks to General Tecumseh Sherman -- no more LEGAL slave labor!

Peace be unto you all.



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