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Thursday, May 19, 2011

BTW: Have You Seen The State Primary Election Map? You've Got To Check It Out, And Read My Thoughts On It.

(Counties carried by David Williams are in purple, area carried by Bobbie Holsclaw is in blue; and Phil Moffett's areas are in green -- brown area is in Calloway Co, where Williams & Moffett both received 262 votes). Because the areas won by Moffett are in SOLIDLY Republican ares, that bodes very well for David Williams. Those Republicans will vote for him, UNLESS he fails to soothe ruffled feathers from some of the TEA party folks, in which case these folks MAY -- and that's a BIG (probably unlikely) may -- gravitate to Gatewood Galbraith/Dea Riley ticket.

Check out the areas carried by Allison Lundergan Grimes against Elaine Walker, Steve Beshear's hand picked Secretary of State, who got BADLY beaten (Grimes is in Blue and Walker is in Green):

When you combine the fact that there are a lot of Democrats in those counties, with Steve Beshear's "snubbing" of Grimes (her words not mine) with the open revolt against Beshear from the rest of Democratic establishment BIG WIGS, you get a sense that Steve Beshear is in SERIOUS trouble, UNLESS he can unite the Democrats -- a very DAUNTING task.

Again, disatisfied Democrats MAY choose to vote for Richie Farmer or gravitate to Gatewood Galbraith/Dea Riley ticket.

So it looks like, the aftermath of the primary elections DOESN'T bode well for Steve Beshear (but remember, he is the incumbent), bodes WELL for David Williams (assuming he can make amends with some in the TEA party movement, a likely scenario), and Gatewood Gailbraith/Dea Riley could pick up some dissatisfied Democratic and Republican voters. In a three way race, a ticket doesn't need much when it ONLY takes slightly more than 331/3 to win!

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