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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

From Congressman Geoff Davis On Debt Limit.


Yesterday, the House of Representatives voted on the Cut, Cap and Balance Act. I am proud to be a co-sponsor of this bill and joined 233 of my colleagues in voting for this measure. I also wanted to make sure that you saw this Op-Ed I wrote highlighting the importance of getting a Balanced Budget Amendment in place to ensure we never face a debt crisis again.


Geoff Davis

Balanced Budget Amendment Will Prevent Future Debt Crises

Our country is facing a debt crisis. The federal government currently borrows 40 cents of every dollar it spends. This year the government will spend $1.5 trillion more than it takes in, adding to a national debt that is already more than $14.3 trillion, two and a half times the size it was just a decade ago in 2001.

The economic uncertainty created by years of reckless spending and accumulated debt is holding back job creation and growth in the near and long term. Unless we find ways to handle this massive debt, our children, grandchildren and future generations of Americans will be saddled with the crushing burden of paying our bills.

Click here to read the rest.



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