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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

More Than 100 Laws Take Effect In Kentucky Today. Check Out Some Here.


More than 100 new laws take effect Tuesday in Kentucky

FRANKFORT — More than 100 new laws approved during Kentucky's 2014 General Assembly go into effect Tuesday, changing how the state deals with everything from acupuncture to voyeurism.
Some of the new laws already are in effect because they contained an "emergency" clause. An example is Senate Bill 124, which allows physicians at the University of Kentucky and University of Louisville to provide oil derived from marijuana and hemp to help people who suffer from certain severe seizures.
Most of the new laws, however, take effect July 15 — 90 days after the session ended April 15.
Here are some of the major ones:
Crime and safety
■ House Bill 128: Victims of domestic violence who want concealed carry permits for protection will find them easier to obtain. Anyone who has been granted an emergency protective or domestic violence order will be allowed to receive a provisional concealed carry permit in one business day. The petitioners would undergo the same background checks and application requirements as other applicants but would have up to 45 days to complete the necessary training for a full concealed carry license.
■ Senate Bill 184: A person's criminal record could be cleared of a nonviolent offense if a judge determined the offense resulted from being a victim of human trafficking.
■ HB 69: It will be a Class D felony to possess a "tax zapper," a device that could be used on a computerized cash register to help a retailer hide sales subject to tax from tax collectors.
■ SB 225: The state's voyeurism laws will be updated to outlaw a practice called "up-skirting," in which a cellphone is used to take pictures underneath a woman's skirt without her consent.
■ SB 20: October will be designated Anti-Bullying Month, and a purple and yellow ribbon will be designated as the symbol for anti-bullying awareness.
The bill was the idea of students at Madison Middle School in Richmond.
Health care
■ SB 98: Adult care employers will be able to check a new adult abuse registry to see if prospective employees have a history of substantiated adult abuse, neglect or exploitation.
■ SB 7: Advance practice registered nurses will have broader authority to write prescriptions.
■ SB 29: Acupuncturists must be licensed.
■ HB 157: Doctors will get more training on recognizing and preventing abusive head trauma among children.
■ HB 98: School staff can be trained by health professionals to assist diabetic students with insulin administration.
■ SB 47: The state will require periodic reporting of health statistics relating to drug-addicted or dependent newborns.
■ HB 260: In order to get from one ATV trail to another, an operator of an all-terrain vehicle who is 16 or older will be allowed to cross a public roadway without protective headgear if the speed limit is 45 miles per hour or less.
■ SB 66: Known as the "Boater Freedom Act," this law will require boating enforcement officers to have a reasonable suspicion of violation of the state's boating laws before boarding and inspecting a boat on state waterways.
■ HB 90: Parents or guardians will be required to make a court appearance when their children who are younger than 18 are cited for a driving traffic violation.
■ SB 170: The state will update and expand its list of invasive and noxious plants, such as kudzu and poison hemlock, targeted for eradication from roadsides and public right-of-ways.
■ HB 237: The state will implement a $5.2 billion plan for road and bridge projects during the next two fiscal years.
■ HB 232: Businesses must notify consumers if a security breach might have resulted in the unauthorized acquisition of the consumers' personal or financial information.
■ HB 475: Residents near state park lodges and golf courses in counties where alcohol sales aren't allowed will be able to vote on whether by-the-drink alcohol sales should be allowed at the facilities.
■ SB 213: Sunday alcohol sales will be permitted at small farm wineries if authorized by a fiscal court vote or a local option election.
■ HB 28: A lobbyist will not be allowed to buy food or drink for an individual legislator. Also, interest groups will not be able to pay for lawmakers' out-of-state travel, and legislative candidates will be prohibited from accepting campaign contributions during General Assembly sessions from political action committees or organizations that employ lobbyists.
■ HB 396: Manufacturers of appliances will be eligible for Kentucky Jobs Retention Act benefits. The legislation is expected to help GE invest up to $325 million in its Appliance Park operations in Louisville.

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