Web Osi Speaks!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

With a Miss USA contestant like ...

... [WARNING: explicit pictures] this, it is no wonder "the Donald" had to come up with a second chance for Tara Conner. But on a more serious note, it continues to surprise many that Trump found it in his heart to conjure up a second chance when he is not particularly known for such unselfish acts. This IS the same Trump that his middle name ought to be "you're fired" and who previously "fired" 2002 Miss USA for not showing up for a publicity event, amongst others. So what has changed "the Donald"? Was this an epiphany or was Trump being his manipulative self for his own selfish reasons? Well, no epipanies here, I'm afraid. I think Trump just well ... "trumped" the media. The man has his eyes on an elective office and this was a big publicity stunt for a possible run for office or to benefit his Miss USA pageant (and other Trump holdings). "The Donald" set us up and we all fell for it, hook line and sinker.

Note for Tara: I do not know how you were able to convince "the Donald" to give you a second chance and I wish you luck in your future. But should he attempt to make you wife # who knows(?), please do not NOT sign any prenuptial agreement and consult me for pro bono legal advice.

Meanwhile, Rosie O'Donnell mocked Trump's hairdo while taking him to task on the view for "acting like America's moral compass" in view of his moral failings. Trump, not being one to shun publicity or back away from a fight, immediately took to the airwaves promising to "sue her fat ass" while calling her a "slob" and disgusting, both inside and out."
And the beat goes on!

Update. Katie Rees, Miss Nevada, pictured above (if you click the link ), has not only been dropped as a spokesperson for MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) but has been dethroned as Miss Nevada because of the Raunchy photos -- some of which pictured lesbian kissing. Considering the feud between Rosie O'Donnell and "the Donald" over Tina Conner's second chance, I must conclude the ONLY "misdeed" that gets the dander in Trump's hair weave up is anything to do with lesbianism. Future Miss Americas need to be aware and fore warned!

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