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Friday, February 09, 2007

Quote(s) for the week.

1) "The intelligence community judges that the term 'civil war' does not adequately capture the complexity of the conflict in Iraq."
- A National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) Report, in an unclassified summary.

2) "I wish they would attack us with a nuclear bomb and kill us all so we will rest and anybody who wants the oil — which is the core of the problem — can come and get it."
- Haydar Abdul Jabbar, a witness to last Saturday's truck bombing in Baghdad, which killed 135.

3) "This budget is plunging us toward a cliff that will take us right into a chasm of debt."
- Senate Budget Committee Chair, Kent Conrad (D-N.D.), alarmed at President Bush's proposed $2.9 trillion budget.

4) "It's very humbling to think that running for President of the United States is for a kid from Brooklyn. It's quite a step."
- Rudy Giuliani, who filed a statement of candidacy with the FEC on Monday in preparation for his presidential bid.

5) "He is completely heterosexual. That is something he discovered. It was the acting-out situations where things took place. It wasn't a constant thing."
- Rev. Tim Ralph, in a jaw dropping comment about disgraced pastor Ted Haggard's completed intensive counseling since his "homosexual" outing by a male prostitute.

6) "The Western world loves liberalization, provided it doesn't affect them. But that's the case with all countries all over the world — liberalization is a great word if it doesn't affect you."
- Entrepreneur Azim Premji, India's richest man pointing out hypocrisy in the face of First World opposition to outsourcing.

7) "Providing the HPV vaccine doesn't promote sexual promiscuity any more than providing the hepatitis B vaccine promotes drug use."
- Texas Governor, Rick Perry, forgetting the concept of liberty, which our Founding Fathers fought a costly battle for, while attempting to defend his executive order MANDATING sixth-grade girls be inoculated with the HPV vaccine.

8) "Let us listen more carefully to do justice to those that our creator called the least of these my brethren."
- Magnanimous words spoken at the State of the state address. I just wish ALL will abide by them."

9) "If people didn’t think it’s an election year before the speech, they certainly do now."
- Jeff Hoover, House Minority Leader and Rep. Anne Northup's running mate, reacting to the State of the state address.

10) "The legislature is about to re-assert itself as the primary policy-making entity in state government, whether it is a Republican governor or a Democratic governor."
- Kentucky Senate President, David Williams, reacting to Gov. Fletcher's State of the state address while signaling the Legislature's intended toughness in response."

11) "Separating children from their biological families is not in the best interest of the child."
- State Rep. Tom Burch, D-Louisville, commenting on a bill he co-introduced in the Legislation, which could afford more WELCOMED protections to Kentucky parents whose children have been UNFAIRLY removed by state social workers.

12) "The forced vaccination of 9 to 12 year-old girls takes away parental rights ... [The HPV vaccination decision] should be in the hands of physicians, parents and the daughters who are having this shot."
- David Edmunds, a policy analyst with the Family Foundation, admirably objecting to the HPV vaccination bill, because it interfered with parental rights.

13) "I think they sought this kind of intelligence. They made it clear they wanted any kind of possible connections, no matter how skimpy, and they got it."
Senator Carl Levin (D-MI), reacting to a Defense Department report that says the Pentagon intentionally manipulated intelligence linking Saddam Hussein to al-Qaeda.



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