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Friday, April 06, 2007

What are they REALLY saying?: Drug treatment.

This week's question can be summarized as: If elected [Governor], what kind of fresh approach will you bring to deal with the vast problems caused by illegal drugs? Read what the candidates are REALLY saying below:


Billy Harper: "We must use the education system to eliminate the use of illegal drugs."
Billy either thinks that people do drugs because they are uneducated or he wants to use education to teach people to stay off drugs.

Ernie Fletcher: "I created the Office of Drug Control Policy to develop local coalitions to keep Kentuckians off drugs. [Also], my Recovery Kentucky initiative established ten recovery centers throughout the state, and I implemented a comprehensive treatment program in the Juvenile Justice system." Ernie is using his "drug control policy" and recovery centers to tackle the drug problem.

Anne Northup: "Engaging parents with prevention facts and letting them know where to get help is critical to halting the cycle of addiction. Furthermore, we should expand Drug Courts ... [and] insist on measuring outcomes and funding [treatment] programs that work ... ." Anne will provide prevention information to parents, fund drug courts and offer treatment options that are effective."


Jonathan Miller:
"... Combining vigorous law enforcement with addressing drug addiction and providing innovative treatment programs, [like] Jefferson County's Drug Court. That's the kind of innovation we'll use to curb illegal drug use." Jonathan will use the drug courts to curb drug use.

Jody Richards: "As Governor, I will dedicate more resources to law enforcement officials, drug-treatment centers, educational programs in our schools and early intervention initiatives in our communities [such as] drug courts, limit doctor shopping, curbing production of methamphetamine, [and dissuade] fly-by-night internet pharmacies." Jody will use a combination of more law enforcement, treatment and education to tackle drug use.

Steve Beshear: "[S]tate and local government, law enforcement officials, treatment professionals and educators [need to] join together in a comprehensive attack on this epidemic. As governor I would work to expand programs like Operation UNITE into every county in the state." Steve must have misunderstood the question because UNITE, which he wants to expand, was cited as "having very few treatment options in place"!

Gatewood Galbraith: "Treatment must become part of the solution for those addicted or we will never solve this crisis. Mark and I will call on the Attorney General to seek legal relief from the multi-billion dollar drug corporations to fund treatment programs here in Kentucky. Just like the tobacco industry, these drug-producing companies are responsible for their products and the problems that they create." Gatewood will fund treatment programs by making the drug companies responsible for the costs. Makes sense to me.

Steve Henry: [B]etter intelligence efforts into smuggling, better coordination among law enforcement groups, more effective use of drug-sniffing dogs [and I] hope that treatment and rehabilitation [as] tools [can be used] wisely." Steve wants better law enforcement and a wise use of treatment and rehabilitation.

Did both Steves misunderstand the question?

Otis Hensley: I will install the latest drug-detecting equipment at the gate of each school and increase drug education programs. I will increase penalties for drug abusers to fund rehabilitation programs. Hopelessness, resulting from poverty, contributes to drug abuse. I will provide hope by creating over 560,000 new jobs to increase household incomes." Otis will detect drugs, provide drug education, increase drug penalties to fund treatment and create jobs so low income people won't do drugs!

Bruce Lunsford: "As a state, we cannot incarcerate ourselves out of the drug problem. We need to have a long-term solution that includes comprehensive drug education programs in our schools and more treatment facilities across the state. We are going to focus treatment ... ." Bruce will increase drug education and establish more treatment facilities across the state.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems to me that Gatewood is the only one that offered an answer with an substance behind. I like the idea of making the drug companies pay. Everyone else was just rhetoric.

11:08 AM  

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