Republicans rightfully show no confidence in Alberto Gonzales' "no confidence" vote.

Today the Senate attempted to pass a "no confidence" vote on Attorney General, Alberto Gonzales, but were RIGHTFULLY rebuffed by the Republican minority. See how your Senator voted.
Now, I am one who thinks that Gonzales deserves to be "nudged" into another Cabinet or other post within the Bush administration and have now consisting called for the President to do the "Gonzo" shuffle. And I am NOT alone. Even VERY prominent Republicans have done so, including many U. S. Senators (some of them joined the 53 who voted to end cloture -- 7 short of the 60 votes needed -- and others who declined to sanction the "no confidence" vote but want Gonzales gone) and others.
But I am glad for the defeat of the "no confidence" vote for a couple of reasons:
(1) The vote is largely a non binding resolution, which amounts to nothing really. If, as the both the Senate and the House wanted to make it, it became a joint concurrent resolution, which would have had the force of law, President Bush would have vetoed it anyway and without enough votes for an override -- again a waste of legislative energy and time. So, in essence, the vote would have been meaningless, other than providing Democrats a way to embarrass the President --the first time Congress would have been able to do so in like circumstance in over 100 years!) and score CHEAP political points; and
(2) No matter how embarrassing Gonzales' problems may be for anyone watching the political spectacle surrounding him, the embarrassment is for Bush and Bush alone, as Gonzales works for him as a member of the Executive Cabinet. Recognizing the constitutional separation of powers implication here, I opine that Gonzales MUST be allowed to serve at the pleasure of the President and NOT at the whim of the Senators, who after all sanctioned his choice as Attorney General by CONFIRMING him in the first place!!
As Abraham Lincoln once said when the "dismissal from the cabinet" of his Postmaster General Monty Blair, was demanded of him: "I propose continuing to be myself the judge as to when a member of the Cabinet shall be dismissed."
Enough said.
Labels: Democratism, Gonzo shuffle, Politics, Public Service, Republicanism, The Constitution
The vote was about speaking Truth to Power and Standing up for the Truth. When Dishonor has come to the Scales of Justice, the Sacred holder of Truth, Honor must be restored with haste, lest Jusstice be denighed. Please restore Honor to this Nation, It is your Duty as a Citizin
KYJD...I do "get" all of your legal points, but from the reality side of things, this really isn't about george or gonzo's "embarassment" at this point. We are collectively TOO WOUNDED, as a nation, to really give much of a rat's ass about their "embarassment", because they just ALL need to be GONE, and it doesn't really matter to most of the citizens of this country, HOW it happens.
Now reasonably, it probably does seem like a waste of time and energy to have gone through this parliamentary procedure, when they could have used the one already on the books, that is quite binding, and very effectively serves the purpose for which it is intended, and that is to IMPEACH them all. (At least the "axis", which would be bush/cheney/rice.
This impeachment procedure isn't just some new thing. It was written into the original documents for just this reason, in case of such an emergency when the nation's government has been hijacked.
So, the past several years of parliamentary procedure have wasted a whole bunch of time and energy, and money, and amounted to...ZIP.
Or, more accurately, a building rage and sense of hopelessness by the very people who -if nothing more- need even the "symbolism" of a no confidence resolution just to let off a little of the "social steam".
There are more than just high brow Republicans and lawyers looking at this stuff, and it's been more assault on a population than you might be aware of.
Because, here again, I'm sure that nobody much cares about ANY of themm being "embarassed". They might all care, but we really don't. Not down here at the average citizen level.
You sir, are a Lier, and a lover of the Lie. You have heard the truth and look away from it. You will be judged by your works and will have no place to hide from the wrath of "GOD"
Thanks, Carla, for your very insightful comments.
Anon. 2:36: You MUST be another ILLEGAL alien! I would NOT be on the internet if I were you. The FEDS may track you down -- wait a minute, NO they won't and that's why you are here in the first place, right!?
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