Web Osi Speaks!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Colin Powell calls for closing Guatanamo prison and doing away with military tribunals for war detainees ...

... says we should do it "this afternoon" because it has become a major problem in "the way the world perceives America."

"Essentially, we have shaken the belief that the world had in America's justice system by keeping a place like Guantanamo open and creating things like a military commission", General Powell stated. Instead, he advocates trying the prisoners in the federal court system where they'll have the rights of habeas corpus and getting their own lawyers. "Isn't that what our system is all about?", he asks rhetorically.

Watch his interview on Meet The Press and tell us whether you agree with him or not.

Oh, BTW, General Powell also made it CLEAR he would support a candidate, REGARDLESS of party affiliation, who is "BEST person to lead the country in the next 8 years"! I guess, in all modesty, and frankness, on my part, for both country and state, that makes two of us!

Update: Former Nuremberg Prosecutor, Henry King, Jr., who interrogated Albert Speer, faults Guantanamo, saying "[i]t violates the Nuremberg principles, what they're doing, as well as the spirit of the Geneva Conventions of 1949."

Do you agree?

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