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Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Why Al-Qaeda hates us. It may surprise you.

The question that continues to be asked is why Al-Qaeda hates us. You may be surprised to find out that it's NOT because of "our freedoms" as Bush postulates. A good start maybe Osama Bin Laden's own words, as translated into English. Another clue may lie in this second source.

While the above sources suggest that Al-Qaeda is more of a group of violent reactionaries (with a multitude of grievances -- like the Palestine and Israeli conflict, our presence in, and our relationship with the "tyrant" Sheiks of, Saudi Arabian, etc. -- against the West, particularly the us and the British), it is clear now that our own rhetoric, particular our constant "civilized us" against the "uncivilized them" attitude laced with President Bush's "crusade" statement after the horror of 9/11 may have helped make AL-Qaeda successful in recruiting world wide.

So now instead of fighting little Osamas over there in the Middle East, we may now be fighting more of them all over the world.

If you don't believe me, here's what Osama Bin Laden stated (and uses as a recruiting propaganda tool):

"Bush left no room for doubts or media opinion. He stated clearly that this war is a Crusader war. He said this in front of the whole world so as to emphasize this fact. … When Bush says that, they try to cover up for him, then he said he didn't mean it. He said, 'crusade.' Bush divided the world into two: 'either with us or with terrorism' … The odd thing about this is that he has taken the words right out of our mouths."

From this statement we can deduce two things: (1) Al Qaeda does not hate us for our freedoms, and, (2) One man's (Osama Bin Laden's) "containable" grievances have now morphed into a world wide terror network, based on an assumption that the west is fighting a religious war (Christian Crusade against Muslims) that uses our own words -- or Bush's words -- to recruit Jihadists (Muslim religious fighters) to fight us back.

Talk about the power of spoken words.

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