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Friday, November 02, 2007

Some laden with LEAVEN and HYPOCRISY of the Pharisees REFUSE to read the Bible beyond its "abominaton of homosexuality". Now that's what's weird.

Some laden with LEAVEN and HYPOCRISY of the Pharisees REFUSE to read the Bible beyond its "abomination of homosexuality". Now that's what's weird.

You know them.

Every election or legislative session they claim to work for the family, but their agenda is NEVER more than anti-HOMOSEXUALITY agenda sprinkled with a desire to post the Decalogue in EVERY public place -- notwithstanding the fact that they probably don't have one posted in their own homes.

This is EXACTLY what Jesus WARNED us about.

Now don't get me wrong, the Bible's admonition against homosexuality is REAL and the Decalogue needs to be learned, but MOST importantly PRACTICED.

But leave it to these folks, they forget that Proverbs 6:16 also teaches us that God HATES a lying tongue, yet they themselves lie and support politicians who do so and who bear false witness against their opponent(s) UNCONTROLLABLY (acting thereby AGAINST one of the very Commandments they propose to hang in public), as long as, and provided that, those lying hypocritical politicians support their anti-homosexual agenda.

But, then again, they won't know that WITHOUT going beyond reading the Bible's abomination pronouncement on homosexuality, will they?

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