Web Osi Speaks!

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Bluegrass Freedom Fund wants to spur ethics, and other government, reforms. Sounds good to me.

Visit their website to learn more.

Here is a list of the issues the organization is concerned with:

We demand that the governor and legislature pass real ethics reform to increase accountability, maintain the rule of law and achieve the highest standards of professional conduct. That is why we demand the passage of anti-corruption legislation, including tough, new and necessary provisions to:

# End Pardon Abuse.

# Protect Whistleblowers.

# Reduce delays in releasing government records.

# Increase Penalties for Elected Officials, Staff and Appointees Who Abuse the Merit System.

# Increase Penalties for Violating Code of Ethics.

# Make the Ethics Commission Independent and Non-Partisan

Like I said, sounds good to me.



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