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Thursday, March 13, 2008

White Liberal Guilt

Will "White Liberal Guilt" Lead Obama All The Way To The White House?

Former Democratic Rep. and Vice Presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro recently was labeled as a "racist" by the main-stream-media when she stated:

"If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman (of any color) he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept."

The very liberal Ms. Ferraro was forced to resign from Hillary Clinton's fundraising committee for her statement which merely reflects the views of many "white liberals" but who can't bring themselves to say it because of their "white guilt" and because the MSM would call them racist!

While the urbane Senator Obama is very articulate and charasmatic is he really qualified to be President of the United States? Obama has no executive experience in government or business and has served less than four years in the U.S. Senate after a brief stint as an Illinois State Senator. He has no military or foreign policy experience and has no experience in formulating or managing a huge federal budget. Despite all of this it is clear that he is the darling of the MSM,elitists and white liberals.

Encyclopaedia Dramatica defines "liberal guilt" as being caused by:

1.not being black, Hispanic, Asian, gay, Native American, "differently abled," bisexual, suffering from any disease, or poor, or any combination of the above,or

2.being held responsible (by any or all of the above) for all possible repression or oppression, past, present, or future, that may or may not have occurred toward any of the above mentioned groups, or any combination of the above groups (i.e., bisexual Asian midgets with ADD, etc.) or

3. just being white.

Poet Robert Frost was right when he defined a white liberal as someone "so broadminded he won't take his own side in an argument"or as national columnist Mark Steyn said in the National Review "Historical Guilt gives upscale white liberals a chance to demonstrate their progressive bona fides in unison and with nary a thought."

If Obama is the Democratic nominee no one will be allowed to question his knowledge,abilities or experience without being called a racist by the MSM or upscale white liberals.Any attempt to expose personal or ethical lapses will be met with the same fate as there will be a "don't ask,don't tell policy' with regard to Senator Obama.

Let's hope that great majority of Americans do not share the MSM and upscale white elitist's collective "white guilt" and will instead elect John McCain our next President!


Blogger Unknown said...

I'm pretty sure GWB got to the Whitehouse just by being white. A silver spoon didn't help either.

6:46 PM  
Blogger KYJurisDoctor said...

Good point.

7:39 PM  

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