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Friday, April 25, 2008

Caveat Emptor America: All That Glitters Is Not Gold

"No matter how much apologists insist his longtime association with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright is irrelevant, a good percentage of Americans will not be fooled. No matter how glibly Fox News' Alan Colmes speciously claims it's unfair to impute to Obama the views of former terrorist William Ayers, it's damning enough that Ayers and everything he stands for don't viscerally repulse Obama. How can Americans prudently entrust the Oval Office to a man who would have anything to do with a self-professed, unrepentant Pentagon bomber, much less allow this anarchist to throw a state Senate fundraiser for him?"

David Limbaugh,Syndicated Conservative Columnist

I cannot believe that so many Democrats are mesmerized by Obama's eloquence and refuse to demand to know,specifically, what,if any views or issues, he shares with Jeremiah Wright,Bill Ayers and the Chicago slum lord who financed his home purchase.

Democrats and all Americans should be asking themselves what does this man really believe in and stand for other then vague references to change for change sake! What are his values and beliefs?

Is the American electorate willing to buy a "pig in a poke" and just hope and pray that everything turns out alright for our country?

Never in the history of our nation has someone so inexperienced and unvetted as Obama been seriously considered for President.Never in history have we been willing to give a an untested politician a free pass on tough questions simply because of his skin color, his glib personality,nice smile and eloquence.

Throughout world history humanity has been fooled by too many charlatans and mesmerizing speakers who promised us everything but delivered nothing but pain,sorrow and disappointment.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let it go, Steve. No one cares. You wouldn't vote for him any way. LET IT GO!

"Never in the history of our nation has someone so inexperienced and unvetted as Obama been seriously considered for President"

Really? I can think of at least one!

9:07 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Who? Jimmy Carter

8:09 PM  

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