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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Lexington Herald Leader Editorial: 17th [Senate] District Should Re-elect [Senator Damon] Thayer.

17th District should re-elect Thayer

By anyone's definition, this is a tough year for incumbents and Republicans. That said, state Sen. Damon Thayer of Georgetown, the Republican incumbent in the 17th District, seems to have strong support and a likely chance at another four years in Frankfort.

We are impressed by his opponent, Robert Powell of Georgetown, a retired state worker making his first bid for office. But Thayer gets the nod for his service to the district and for distinguishing himself among Republicans on some key issues.

Thayer, who has spent his career in various jobs in the Thoroughbred racing industry, has taken a leading role in advocating tighter control on drugs used in racing and on funding for the Kentucky Racing Commission. He's advocated for greater transparency in campaign finance, such as additional and more timely reports and electronic filing of campaign reports. He worked in a bipartisan fashion on seeking solutions to the state's underfunded pension system.

Thayer was a co-chair of the task force that looked into the important but often overlooked issues of local government taxation options in Kentucky.

All that said, we take serious issue with Thayer on many points.

He has shared in enabling the combative, obstructionist and generally dysfunctional rule of Senate President David Williams.

Thayer's unquestioning refusal to raise taxes extends to the cigarette tax, despite evidence that it would aid an ailing state treasury and prevent more young people from taking up the dangerous habit.

He has based his appeal to voters too often on divisive social issues and often pits Central Kentucky against more rural areas in distribution of state funds.

Thayer has earned another term. We congratulate him on the positive work he's done and hope that, if he wins, he will be less wedded to partisan orthodoxy.

Editor's comment: We agree.



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