Web Osi Speaks!

Friday, November 07, 2008

MY First Unsolicited Advice To President Barack Obama: Steer Clear Of Jesse Jackson, Sr., And Al Sharpton, And The Likes Of Them.

That's it.

Nothing further to say, other than both men (and others like them) are HUSTLERS.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have some more good advice: steer clear of identity politics altogether. Don't mention or imply race in a good or bad way. Treat all people equally and judge situations on their merit not potential to help out any identity "group". Finally if he wants to be a really great President then he will continue to oppose gay marriage and will appoint pro-life justices at every turn.

9:50 PM  
Blogger KYJurisDoctor said...

I hear you.

As for gay marriage, Obama opposes it, but supports gay "unions" -- actually more like extending same married heterosexual couple's benefits to gay "couples".

As for Justices, I suspect he will be under INTENSE pressure to appoint Justices who will NOT mess with Roe V. Wade.

In order words, he will appoint Justices who have the same judicial philosophy as those they replace!

10:05 PM  

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