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Thursday, November 06, 2008

Well, I'll Be. Louisville Courier Journal Editors "Salute[] McConnell". I Guess It's NOW Kiss Mitch Since "Ditch Mitch" Efforts FAILED MISERABLY.

Saluting McConnell

Sen. Mitch McConnell has survived a political near-death experience. He deserves congratulations on a hard-earned re-election victory that showed Kentuckians value his knowledge, experience and influence.

His Democratic opponent, Bruce Lunsford, deserves the thanks of all Kentuckians for holding Mr. McConnell accountable in an expensive, exhausting and ultimately (for him and his supporters) frustrating campaign.

As we move toward Barack Obama's presidency, Mr. McConnell should put his considerable skills and energies to work in solving the problems that loom so darkly: an economy that needs resuscitation, a financial system that needs reorganization, two wars that need prudent resolution, a health case system that needs remodeling, an energy policy that needs replacing, an infrastructure that needs rebuilding.

As Mr. McConnell told our editorial board recently, his advice to a new administration would be to think big and work together. That's what he himself did, in helping to shape and pass the financial system bailout bill. It's what he has done in some other notable instances, to help pass a tobacco buyout, support Burma's pro-democracy movement and enact a Medicare prescription drug benefit. It's what he should do as the most powerful Republican in post-Bush Washington.

It's time to get to work. America needs the best ideas and the best efforts of its most influential leaders. And the Senate minority leader's best self is not only determined and purposeful but also strategically and tactically masterful. He can make a difference.

Editor's comment:

One would think, reading this editorial piece, that the Courier-Journal has always being in love with Senator Mitch McConnell, rather than the reverse being the truth!

I guess since the paper's all out efforts to "Ditch Mitch" FAILED MISERABLY, the Courier-Journal is NOW employing a NEW tactic:





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